
AGA Lab (American Gem Analysis Lab) would like to inform our clients about the following terms and limitations on the liability of the AGA Lab. All of the limitations apply to the clients for whom the report is prepared and to all other persons to whom the report may be shown, distributed or transferred.

  • AGA Lab reports are based upon a subjective opinion. This report represents only the best professional opinion at the time of the issuance. Results of the analysis by others may differ depending on when, how and by whom the samples have been examined.
  • This report does not constitute a guarantee for an appraisal or valuation of the gemstone/ object described therein. The Laboratory cannot have any knowledge of any potential subsequent treatment or modification of the item tested.
  • Gemstones can be enhanced at any time after leaving our premises. If there are doubts about an item's current condition, it can be submitted for re-checking.
  • AGA Lab makes no representation or warranty regarding reports issued. The use of this report for trading by the client is at his/her own risk.
  • AGA Lab and its employees shall not be liable for special or consequential damages for any error in, or omission from, any report, or for its issuance or use, even if advised of the possibility of such damages.
  • The client agrees to be responsible for, and to hold AGA and its employees harmless from any injury, loss, damage, or destruction of the articles entrusted for examination while in the possession of AGA Lab, resulting from any cause whatsoever, unless resulting from fraud or willful misconduct.
  • Neither the report nor the name, trademark, or service marks of AGA Lab may be used in whole, or any parts, without AGA Lab's prior written authorization.